Saturday, 21 April 2012

Our Home Study is Complete - We just have to sign off

We've received a message that our home study is complete and we need to read through it and sign for it before it can be sent to the provincial government for approval.  We were going to try to make it over to our agency and do this in the office last week, but we ran out of time.  Bob's heading to Albania to work until the third of May, so they're going to send the papers to us in the mail and we'll have to get him to sign them when he gets back.  Once we send this in, we'll have to wait for 1 - 2 months for approval.  So, it looks like we won't know whether we've passes until June or July.

1 comment:

  1. This is a huge step. Congrats Marni and Bob! You are getting so close to wrapping up this phase of the adoption process.
