Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Still Waiting

We're waiting for our match and I'm guessing we may have a couple more months to go.  While we've been waiting, we've made some very positive changes.  We understand that food means love to children adopted internationally.  We also know that we will need to keep an abundance of food in our home and readily available (i.e. a bowl of fruit and nuts on the counter in reach).  So, we've done a lot of research on food and nutrition.

Here are the changes we made:
1) Over the holidays, we bought a juicer and we've been using it every day to juice whole foods (fruits and vegetables).  We're currently doing a juicing cleanse and we plan to keep juicing on a daily basis.
2) We've adopted "Meatless Mondays", which is our dedicated day to be vegetarian.
3) We're adding Chia to salads and steel cut oats
4) We've cut out Aspertame
5) We avoid High Fructose Corn Syrup and MSG whenever possible.
6) We try to buy local organic produce - although sometimes this can be difficult
7) We switched from colas and lattes to tea

We've started making these changes over the past couple of months.  I had stopped eating beef two years ago and we started buying mainly organic produce then, but we've spent more time recently analyzing our diets.  We haven't really lost any weight, but we're feeling much more alert, we're functioning better at work, and we feel happier.

Since our child will equate food with love, it's important to us that we have the right kinds of food and that we can teach what it means to have a good diet.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you guys! I've been checking your blog waiting for adoption updates. I have my fingers crossed for you! :)
